NHS 24 Online

Download the free NHS 24 Online app to find your nearest services and to assess your symptoms.

Find your nearest services and get virtual assistance.

What is NHS 24 Online?

If you live in Scotland, the NHS 24 Online app allows you to find your nearest services and to assess your symptoms to find out what you should do next.

The Find my Nearest function allows you to locate health and care services within your local area by using your post code or location. You will be able to see how far away each service is, if it is open or closed and contact details for the service.

The chatbot functions allows you to answer questions and find out how to get further advice for a number of symptoms and conditions.

The App is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

The App allows you to find appropriate self-care and health services so you can access the right care, at the right place.

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Common questions

New release   find a service
Will the app work on any device?

The app works on mobile devices only. For example, a smartphone or tablet.

Your phone needs access to the Apple App Store or Google Play Services to be able to download the app.

The app is fully supported on all Android devices and Apple devices running iOS 11 or later. This means the app is unavailable on:

  • iPhone 5 and below
  • gen iPod Touch and below
  • gen iPad and below
  • gen iPad Mini

The app has been optimised for smartphone use, but can still be used with tablet devices. However, the app may not be fully functional for tablet users at this time.

How can I check which software version my device has?

To see which Android version you have:

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Near the bottom, tap 'System' and then 'Advanced' and then 'System update'.
  3. See your "Android version".

If you have an Apple phone, to see which iOS version you have:

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Click on 'General', then tap 'About'.
  3. See your "Software version"

We are unable to guarantee the app will work on earlier versions.

What if I don't have a smartphone or tablet?

If you're unable to use the app you can phone can access NHS 24’s self-help guides on NHS inform or 111 to have your symptoms assessed.

What happens to my data?

The app complies with UK GDPR and Data Protection Act legislation.

For further information, please read the privacy policy.

What if I don't live in Scotland?

The app has information about Scotland based services only.

Visit the following sites for information in: